Disc Spring Solver v3.22R is the most complete software to foresee the performances of the disc springs.

It allows the user to create every kind of disc spring and every kind of spring packet and to calculate every properties of the created springs giving the possibility to choose between two algorithms, a standard and a new (and most precise) one. It also includes the possibility to evaluate the friction and the load applying way (circular rings, etc..) effects on the spring performances.

Moreover, it allows the user to see plots of the most important spring properties (including the characteristic curve, the F vs S plot and so on) and the Goodmann diagram for the fatigue resistance.

New in version 3.22R:

  • Disc Spring Solver has now an improved 3D viewer. This new version allows you to see to insert a fully customizable guide in your 3D model and to change the color of the springs and the other components. The restyling of the graphic user interface guarantees a comfortable experience at any screen resolution.

  • Click on the screenshot to see what we are talking about and download the trial version to have a demonstration!

New in version 3.21R:

  • Disc Spring Solver has now an improved CAD previewer. This new version allows you to see the CAD top view and also to see hidden lines. The picture below shows how detailed can be the drawing of the created disc spring.

  • Click on the screenshot to see what we are talking about and download the trial version to have a demonstration!

New in version 3.20R:

  • As many of our customers asked us, Disc Spring Solver now allows the user to look at the preview of the CAD drawing that can be exported in DXF or IGS format.
  • A new checking algorithm has been inserted that allows the user to verify if the inserted measures are valid for a disc spring. The condition to satisfy is that De' must be greater than Di'.
    As De' and Di' both depend by the angle at the spring base and being Disc Spring Solver the unique software offering a valid algorithm to calculate that angle (as shown in the CAD section), consequently this is the unique software that can offer that kind of check.

  • Click on the screenshot to see what we are talking about and download the trial version to have a demonstration!

The new CAD preview with the option panel.

A zoomed view of a stack made with packets of different disc springs.

New in version 3.10R:

  • Disc Spring Solver version includes now the possibility to evaluate the performance of a disc spring used as a diaphragm, that is, depressed beyond its flat level.

    For this use, in most cases, the load is applied to the disc spring using two circular rings in order to completely turn over the washer.

    It is to note the case of a disc spring with a free height/thickness ratio greater thatn √2, the characteristic curve of such a disc spring shows that to the same load correspond three different deflection values.

    Disc Spring Solver is the only software of its field in the world that allows you to evaluate the behaviour of a disc spring used as a diaphragm, moreover Disc Spring Solver can suggest you the right spring for your needs even if you need to apply the load using singular rings.
  • Click on the screenshot to see what we are talking about and download the trial version to have a demonstration!

The new user interface with the Diaphragm option

Characteristic curve of a disc spring used as a diaphragm with a free height/thickness ratio less than √2

Characteristic curve of a disc spring used as a diaphragm with a free height/thickness ratio greater than √2

New in version 3.00R:

  • Disc Spring Solver includes now the opportunity to create stacks made with packets composed by different kinds of disc springs. By clicking on the "Different springs" option it is possible to create a list of disc springs that may have different height, thickness, material, etc... and that will be part of the stack, in this way you can create and evaluate an infinte number of spring stacks.
    Disc Spring Solver is the only one software in the world that gives you this opportunity.
  • A new feature allows to check if a disc spring is dimensionally right by evaluating the σOM for the limit deflection, also a table reporting the ultimate tensile strength for a long list of materials is included.
  • The calculation algorithms have been refined so now you can more easily manage very particular kinds of disc spring, as the ones having a h0/t ratio greater than √2.

  • Click on the screenshot to see what we are talking about, look a the new video guide and download the trial version to have a demonstration!

New in version 2.00:

  • Disc Spring Solver includes now the possibility to choose which calculation method to use in order to foresee the performances of disc springs. With the new set of equations called "Ferrari's method" (from the author of the related paper), the calculations results will be more precise for every kind of disc spring but particularly for disc springs with contact flats and reduced thickness. For reduced disc springs, in fact, as shown in the mentioned article, standard equations dramatically fail and the new method by Ferrari is the only working properly. You can check this looking at this video in the video section.
  • A new feature allows to check if a disc springs with contact flats and reduced thickness is a valid reduced disc spring and can suggest the right t'/t ratio value that a reduced spring should have in order to be considered valid.
  • Click on the screenshot to see what we are talking about and download the trial version to have a demonstration!

New in version 1.30:

  • A new MDI (Multiple Document Interface) has been developed, now it is possible to create and compare different springs more comfortably. Click on the screenshot to see what we are talking about and download the trial version to have a demonstration!

New in version 1.29:

  • The 3D visualizer feature for the springs arrangement has been improved, so, as some users requested us, you can save the arrangements and reload them in future sessions.

New in version 1.28:

  • The report creator has been improved and now it is possible to convert the created report in a odf file,
  • As reqeusted by one of our customer, the 3D visualizer has been further improved and now it is possible to visualize up to 10 springs arranged starting from the first at (0,0) and setting the distance from it, here you can see some example:


New in version 1.27:

  • The 3D visualizer has been improved and the feature "Explode" has been added, now it is possible to create an exploded 3D view of the spring by setting the distance between the discs:

New in version 1.26:

  • The 'Suggestions' feature has been enhanced, now it si possible to add the standard (ANSI, CSN, DIN, GOST) as filtering condition, click here for more details ...
  • Included databases have been modified and enriched and they contain now more than 1000 records.

New in version 1.25:

  • By using the new 'Suggestions' feature, Disc Spring Solver can now create for you a spring that is the best to satisfy at your requested performances by combining more than 850 different disc springs chosen from the included database, click here for more details ...
  • Several bugs affecting the conversion routine have been fixed.

New in version 1.07:

  • Now the plots are fully customizable and, as requested by some users, you can add the spring's data to the plot's screen.

New in version 1.06:

  • Possibilty to create and export in DXF format in two or three dimensions in order to load the spring stack with CAD softwares,
  • Possibilty to create and export in IGES format in two or three dimensions in order to load the spring stack with CAD softwares.

New in version 1.05:

  • Possibilty to create and load a template for the report's creation,
  • Some bug fixing including bugs concerning the report's craation and some special calculations for disc springs with an height/thickness ratio > √2.


  • Possibility to create every kind of spring stack (including stacks where the packets have a different numbers of disc springs),
  • Possibility to choose between two kind of algorithms: the standard one and a new and more precise algorithm,
  • Load calculation for a given single spring or spring stack deflection,
  • Deflection calculation for a given load,
  • Spring rate and the spring work calculation including the chance of specify a work range,
  • Stress calculation for a spring under a given load or a given deflection,
  • Fatigue resistance calculation including the possibility to see the Goodmann diagram for the fatigue resistance,
  • Dimensions under an applied load calculation,
  • Evaluation of the friction effects on the spring performances,
  • Possibility to save your work in a .spr file,
  • Evaluation of the load application way (circular rings, etc..) on the spring performances,
  • Possibility to load a spring from a database (Microsoft database .mdb or Sqlite 3 database .s3db),
  • Possibility to load a list of material from a database (Microsoft database .mdb or Sqlite 3 database .s3db) or to use the internal database,
  • Plot designer for the spring characteristic curve,
  • Plot designer for the stress curves,
  • Plot designer for the single spring and the spring stack "Load vs Deflection" curve,
  • 3D Visualizer for the single spring and for the spring stack,
  • 3D Visualizer for the simulation of the spring behaviour under the applied load,
  • Report editor and generator including an html editor that makes the report fully customizable.

Look at the video section to see how to use some these features.

A disc springs stack with plots and 3D visualizer turned on.

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